Building Positive Movement Experiences for Children and Young People: The Launch of the Positive Experiences Collective
We’re delighted to share that we’re leading the design and running of the Positive Experiences Collective! This initiative aims to transform how children and young people experience physical activity and build the foundations for a lifelong love of movement—building on the momentum from the launch of the Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England.
The Mission: Addressing Inequalities and Inspiring Change
At the heart of our work is a commitment to addressing the inequalities faced by children and young people (CYP), particularly those who are under-active, under-represented, and from minoritised groups.
We know that positive experiences of movement and physical activity at an early age are critical for developing a lifelong, positive relationship with physical activity. The Consensus Statement in 2023 called for using physical literacy as a guiding framework across the sector, resonating with changemakers who see it as a way to bridge existing gaps. By collaborating across traditional boundaries in sport, health, community, and public-sector settings, we aim to transform how CYP experience movement, breaking down barriers and addressing inequities.
What is The Positive Experiences Collective
With support from Sport England and the National Lottery, we’re excited to roll out three key initiatives over the next two years:
Patchwork Programme: This initiative guides 12 multi-organisational teams in using co-design methods to translate physical literacy into practice. Through tailored workshops, mentoring, and hands-on support, we are supporting the co-creation of solutions that bring physical literacy to life, building a "patchwork" of positive, CYP-driven projects, ideas, services and programmes.
Listening Circles: Virtual sessions open to all. Creating space for sharing solutions and ideas for embedding positive experiences and physical literacy into practice.
Annual Gathering: A virtual conference to share learning and creative stories to build confidence and skills, support connection, and inspire advocacy for change.
“Shifting culture towards positive experiences requires us to act and think in new, creative ways. That's why we're doing this.”— Charlie Crane, Senior Manager - Children and Young People at Sport England
We are incredibly grateful to Sport England and the National Lottery for enabling this important work and look forward to creating meaningful change together. This is just the beginning; we believe you should be a part of it. Sign up to get involved and stay up-to-date.
Check out this impressive collection of organisations who will be joining you on Cohort 1: Lands Improvement, Bedford Borough Council, Sportsmith Limited, Greater Manchester Moving, Bolton Council, Active Humber, Withernsea High School, East Riding Sport England Place Partner, Active Lancashire, Blessed Trinity Catholic College (Burnley), Together an Active Future (TaAF), The University of Derby/IPLA, National Early Years Active Start Partnership, HENRY, Start Well at EFL in the Community, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Rotherham United Community Trust, Eastwood Village Primary School, Junior Adventures Group/Pioneer Childcare, Alive West Norfolk, Norfolk County Council Children’s Services, Active Devon, Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust, Plymouth City Council Youth Service, University of Bradford, Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust, Create Development, Real PE, Cabot Learning Trust, Chance to Shine, Yorkshire Sport Foundation and Lords Taverners.